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Fountain at Main Gate

Spanish Wells Community Association

New Resident Information

Should you have any questions regarding matters related to your specific sub-association, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Board of Directors.  Their contact information may be found on  this Website   From the "Home page", click on “Board Information” and then select “Directors & Committees” from the drop-down menu that appears.  Here is some basic information you may find to be interesting and useful:

  • The Spanish Wells Community Association (SWCA) is the Master Association for the entire Spanish Wells community.  Their office is located in the lower level of the Golf & Country Club behind the Card Room.  Their address is 9821 Treasure Cay Lane, Bonita Springs, FL 34135 and their telephone number is (239) 319-1288

  • The Spanish Wells Community Association is responsible for providing the vehicle bar code stickers which are necessary to gain automatic access through all entrance gates.  You must go to the SWCA office to apply for the barcode sticker, an owner will be charged a $25.00 fee for each bar code sticker purchased.  There is also a $50.00 fee for non-owner residents and a $50.00 fee for lease approved renters.  Payment must be made by check or credit card. There is a small administrative charge for credit card payments.

  • All guests and vendors must be authorized by you in order to gain entry to the community. This can be accomplished by logging on to DwellingLive at  Your personal “DwellingLive Dashboard” screen will then appear.  Click on “My Community”, which appears in the upper left quadrant of the screen and then select “Guest List” from the drop-down menu.  The “Guest List” screen then appears and will provide you with the options to (1) Add Guest, (2) Add Party, (3) Restrict Guest, and (4) Guest History.  Select “Add Guest” and complete the required information on the screen that next appears.  Click here to see a detailed explanation on using DwellingLive

  • Each sub-association has an Architectural Review Committee (ARC) which is responsible for the overall administration, change approval, and compliance enforcement of all architectural, landscape, and design aspects of the sub-association.  These rules and regulations can typically be viewed on their website. Procedures to follow if you are planning to make any changes to the exterior of your home or to its landscaping should be listed there.

  • To ensure that you always will receive updated electronic announcements regarding Annual Meetings, Board Meetings and all other aspects of life in Spanish Wells, it is important to make certain your email address in DwellingLive is current and that you have authorized electronic communications in DwellingLive. This can be accomplished by contacting the SWCA office.

  • To make certain that your house is easily identifiable by first responders in an emergency, it is mandated that you post your address numbers somewhere on the front of the house where they can be easily seen from the street.  The numbers must be a minimum of 4 inches tall.

  • DirecTV provides Streaming Services for Spanish Wells. By clicking on the following link, you will be directed to a page where you can create an account, sign up for your Free DirecTV Gemini Boxes and learn more about DirecTV.


  • Summit Broadband provides voice and  internet  services for Spanish Wells. By clicking on the following link, you will be provided information on how to setup an account or the numbers to call for technical/support services.     

                                         Summit Information                          


  • Trash, Recycle, and Horticultural Waste Pickup

Trash and recycle pickup is weekly based on the schedule of each sub-association.  To maintain our streets in an uncluttered condition for as long as possible, please do not place your trash and recycle containers at the curb before the scheduled time for your association. After the trash has been emptied bring them in and out of sight as quickly as possible after pickup.

In order to make it possible for the recycling truck’s automated system to pick up your recycling container, please place the container at the curb with the wheels and handle facing your house (there is a directional arrow on the lid indicating direction to face the bin).  In addition, please leave a minimum of three feet between the recycling container and any other containers and/or material that you put out for regular trash and recycle collection.

Lee County requires that both trash and recycling containers have lids.  This rule is to prevent overnight rummaging by animals.  For the same reason, if you have any plastic bags that, for some reason, do not fit into your waste container, please do not place them curbside until the morning of pickup.

Bulk items (such as refrigerators, ovens, and hot water heaters, electronics, television sets, and computer equipment) should be left out with the regular garbage. If it can't be disposed of on the local pickup, the driver will arrange to have it picked up over the next few days. Leave the items by the end of the driveway.

Horticulture waste pickup is weekly. Each sub-association has their own schedule which can usually be found on their website or by contacting a board member of that sub-association.  As is the case with trash and recycling containers, landscape trimmings/cuttings should not be placed at the curb before the scheduled time on the day before pickup.  If not placed in a container or bag, cuttings and plant material waste must be tied in bundles that do not exceed 4 feet in length.


  • Information regarding Lee County Watering Rules is available on our website by selecting “General Information” and then “Municipal - State & Local Information”.

  • If you are considering leasing your property, you should review the complete, official leasing rules found on the sub-associations website or by contacting a Board Member for that association.

Spanish Wells Community Association
9821 Treasure Cay Lane

Bonita Springs, FL 34135

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