The Lakes & Ponds - Lakes are SRPs
Our commonly called Lakes and Ponds in Spanish Wells are Stormwater Retention Ponds (SRPs). They were engineered and built to control & store stormwater runoff from our roads, catch basins, roofs, lawns and the Golf Course. Sediments, oil, fertilizer, herbicides, pesticides, and debris settle to the bottom of the SRPs, as the water flows through our community on its way to the Gulf Of Mexico.

Since most of our SRPs were built in the 1980’s to an earlier standard, they are in need of attention to preserve their function, health and aesthetics. Due to shallow water that recedes further in Dry Season, narrow channels, steep rock banks, erosion, and algae blooms, they can be a challenge to manage.
The Directors of the Master HOA Board: SWCA, in coordination with the Directors of the 8 sub-association HOAs, are ultimately responsible for the health and function of Spanish Wells 42 Stormwater Retention Ponds (SRPs).